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Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory

Dr. Stefan Treue

Motion processing in visual cerebral cortex and its attentional modulation.

Research in my laboratory is directed at understanding how visual motion information is processed and how attention shapes that process.

Research interests include:

Current lab members:

  • Dieter Patzwahl, Ph.D.
  • Julio CΘsar Martinez Trujillo, M.D.
  • Hans-Jⁿrgen Rauber
  • Karel Hol
  • Kai Krope
  • Lothar Scheidig
  • Sven Haller

How to contact us:


      07071 / 2987602 (from within Germany)
      49-7071-2987602 (from abroad)


      07071 / 295724 (from within Germany)
      49-7071-295724 (from abroad)


      Stefan Treue -->
      Dieter Patzwahl-->
      Julio CΘsar Martinez Trujillo -->
      Hans-Jⁿrgen Rauber -->
      Karel Hol-->
      Kai Krope-->
      Lothar Scheidig -->
      Sven Haller -->


      Arbeitsgruppe Cognitive Neurowissenschaften
      Neurologische Uniklinik
      Auf der Morgenstelle 15
      72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Selected Publications:

    Structure from motion

  • Treue, S., Husain, M. & Andersen, R. (1991)
    Human perception of structure from motion.
    Vision Research, 31: 59-75. view abstract

  • Treue, S., Andersen, R. A., Ando, H. & Hildreth, E. C. (1995)
    Structure-from-motion: Perceptual evidence for surface interpolation.
    Vision Research, 35: 139-148. view abstract

  • Treue, S. & Andersen, R. A. (1996)
    Neural responses to velocity gradients in macaque cortical area MT.
    Visual Neuroscience, 13: 797-804. view abstract

    Transparent motion

  • Snowden, R. J., Treue, S., Erickson, R. E. & Andersen, R. A. (1991)
    The response of area MT and V1 neurons to transparent motion.
    Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 2768-2785. view abstract

  • Snowden, R. J., Treue, S. & Andersen, R. A. (1992)
    The response of neurons in areas V1 and MT of the alert rhesus monkey to moving random dot patterns.
    Experimental Brain Research, 88, 389-400. view abstract

    The role of the cerebellum

  • Thier, P. & Treue, S. (1994)
    Impaired visual perception in patients with cerebellar lesions.
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Supplement). 35, 1814. view abstract

    The role of attention

  • Treue, S. (1994)
    Dividing the "spotlight of attention" between stimulus features does not lower sensory gain.
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Supplement), 35, 2148. view abstract

  • Treue, S. & Maunsell, J. H. R. (1995)
    Attentional modulation of direction-selective responses in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque monkey.
    Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21, 1759. view abstract

  • Treue, S. & Maunsell, J. H. R. (1996)
    Attentional modulation of visual motion processing in cortical areas MT and MST.
    Nature, 382(6591), 539-541. view abstract
      see also: News and Views article by Kenneth H. Britten, Nature, 382(6591), 497-498 and
      Dispatch in Current Biology by J. M. Groh, E. Seidemann, and W. T. Newsome, 1996, 6, 1406-1409. view text(internet-link: "")

  • Treue, S. & Husain, M. (1997)
    Temporal dynamics of sensory and attentional processing in motion perception.
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Supplement). in press. view abstract
      Will be presented at the ARVO(internet-link: "") meeting, Friday, 5/16/97, 9:30 am in Ballroom A.



    • The Sensorimotor Lab
    • The Maunsell Lab at Baylor College of Medicine(internet-link: "")
    • The Andersen Lab at Caltech(internet-link: "")
    • Max Planck Institut fⁿr Biologische Kybernetik homepage(internet-link: "")
    • University of Tuebingen homepage
    • Visit Tuebingen


    • Lots of vision resources (thanks to A. Watson).(internet-link: "")
    • Neurosciences on the Internet homepage (US server)(internet-link: "")
    • Neurosciences on the Internet homepage (German server)(internet-link: "")
    • A list of Neuroscience links(internet-link: "")
    • More Neuroscience links(internet-link: "")

      Neuroscience-related Associations

    • ARVO(internet-link: "")
    • Cognitive Neuroscience Society(internet-link: "")
    • Society for Neuroscience(internet-link: "")


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    last updated: 4. June 97 by

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